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The Veluwe And Needed Rest!

Bijgewerkt op: 14 nov. 2021

For the first time in a couple years… 3 or more.. I took a week of!

18-10-2021 a week spring break!

Instead of staying home and working my ass off at my part-time job, but also at the gym, I TOOK A WEEK OF!

My mother took me on a little trip to the Veluwe!

Since we aren’t vaccinated or want to participate in testing, we decided to explore the Netherlands to the fullest until we move! *smiley face hehe* 😊

Secretly planning on moving to a different country, therefore my blog in English 😊.

Anyways, we started our trip on Monday 18-10-2021.

Before we took of to the Veluwe, we went grocery shopping and bought the needed food to take with us. For example eggs, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, Hugo wine….

We arrived at the place where we were going to stay around 5pm. After we loaded everything in and out, we immediately went for a nice walk in the forest nearby our little house. We ate dinner around 7 pm and went to bed around 11pm.

Tuesday 19-10-2021.

In the early morning I went for a nice walk on my own in the forest. Saw some cows and crickets. Made protein vanilla apple walnut pancakes for my mother and as breakfast.

Later that day, we went to ‘De Hoge Veluwe’. The ‘park?’ was very big, so we decided to first take the car route. After that, we walked until 6pm.

I made a lot of photos and pictures 😊

Now I have to be honest that I find the Netherlands very ugly and nothing special, but the Veluwe was not that bad! For the Netherlands, I would even call it pretty!

Sadly enough we haven’t seen any animals. No deer, no beautiful birds, no squirrels, no hedgehogs, no skunks, nothing! Just some casual all day birds and ducks ☹.

We stopped for a nice Starbucks coffee at a gas station and arrived at our home around something past 7.

Wednesday 20-10-2021. Slept in and only got up to eat XD. Around 3pm my mom and I explored the forest nearby our cute house and walked a lot. We even picked chestnuts! I let them boil in water so we could eat them with our dinner. DELICIOUS!

Thursday 21-10-2021 it was time to leave the house, and the Veluwe… very sad and I wished we could stay for a little longer…☹

My mom asked me what I wanted to do in the area for our last day and she assumed I wanted to go to ‘De Hoge Veluwe’… but what did Angela choose do you think?

A) Go to De Veluwe

B) Go to the center of Amersfoort to shop

C) Go to an eel smokehouse to buy smoked eel

D) Visit an unknown park in the area of Epe

The right answer…. C! Go to an eel smokehouse!

I ate the eel (2) at dinner and it was soooo heavenly delicious! I wish we could buy it in the area where we life at a smokehouse ☹.

After our eel visit trip we went to an, as it’s called, some sort of ‘climbing tower’ of 38m high to see the forest from above. It was raining and cold, but we had definitely NO REGRETS going.

We are not made out of sugar!

We drove back home and arrived around 4pm, after which I immediately made a visit to the Lidl for figs and cashew nuts 😊.

Overall, the little trip was super fun. We walked a lot and explored the ‘forest / nature’ without animals lmao.

The remaining days I did NOT visit the gym and did NOT work out. I gave my body, but also my head, the rest it needed. It was very needed.

I would definitely recommend going on a little trip to the Veluwe! The long walks, the forest / nature… it’s very calming and relaxing. It’s a great re-start / reset for your mind, but also body. It gave me a lot of time to think about certain things. It did me really well and I had very much fun. I’m very grateful that my mom took me to the Veluwe and I couldn’t be more thankful!<3

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