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The Holliday Season


It’s the first day of December at the moment of writing this, but probably the second day on the moment you guys are able to read this haha... oopsie <3.

ANYWAYS... Everyone knows what that means…. It’s the holiday season (for the most of us)!

Especially for me! 😊

Here in the Netherlands we also celebrate something that’s called ‘Sinterklaas’.

Now, I don’t really know if other countries ‘celebrate’ this too, but I still wanted to mention it even tho It’s more of a children’s holiday.

I will still participate by eating spice nuts, peppernuts, speculaas, chocolate letters and more! Also knows as eating delicious and sweet junk foods 😊… and so what!

Beside Sinterklaas there’s something wayyyy more special this month…

No, I’m not talking about Christmas!... Can you guess?

I’m actually talking about my birthday! My 18th birthday to be specific! And I’m not too keen on it to be honest XD… all the responsibility’s and assurances I need to pay… I wish I could stay 17 forever!

A birthday (party) means cake, drinks and more unhealthy foods…

But a birthday (party) also means conviviality, party, laughter, love and dancing!

I’m looking forward to the cake and party part 😊!

After my birthday, there will be Christmas… the days where we…

Eat a bit more than we usually do…

Eat a bit unhealthier than we usually do…

Eat with a different mindset than we usually do…

Eat with different people than we usually do…

Eat a bit more expensive than we usually do…

And so much more….

Finally… After Christmas, there comes an end to this year!

New Year’s Eve!

New Year’s Eve means oliebollen, apple beignets, champagne and more sweets!

New Year’s Eve also means…

A new start!

An excuse to have a party!

A fresh train of thought!

And again… Love, laughter, coziness and perhaps some firework.

As you may have been able to notice by now, you will see that the subject of my blog isn’t a written piece about ‘just some holidays and my expectations or whatever’… It’s about 'enjoying the holidays'!

It’s not about ‘How to enjoy the upcoming holidays without feeling sad, anxious, stressed or mad…’

It’s about ‘How to you enjoy the upcoming holidays and feel free, happy, proud, destressed and/or excited!?’.

Now I don't have any family in the Netherlands that I can celebrate the holidays with outside of my parents and half brother who I recently met, which I’m very grateful for! Don’t get me wrong... but YES, it still makes me sad.

Sad because of the fact I’m not able to see my other family members, who I miss soooooo much. Secretly not so secretly no more, it breaks my heart every day.

But something else that always used to make me sad, scared an mad AT MYSELF was all the food I would be consuming!

All the cake, bread, cookies, chocolates, overload of meat and pizza’s… you can name it all! And all that in such a short time….

So it's no secret that every December month I gain some weight like most people... A not very long time ago, I always used to think that the weight gain really WASN'T worth it. I always used to think that I couldn’t take some rest days because it would be my birthday, Christmas or New Year’s Eve and I would get very fat if I wouldn’t work out… Always used to think that I couldn’t eat a normal amount of food the days or week before my birthday, Christmas or New Year’s Eve….

Do you recognize yourself in this? Stress for some extra kilos and mentally exhausted since your head keeps telling you that all your progress will be lost?

Let me tell you a little secret… IT’S ALL A LIE! It's stool if not in a more rude language… bullsh/t!

One day you'll regret your behavior... one day you will see that you were wrong and wish you could go back in time to enjoy these days! Enjoy the time you USED TO HAVE with your loved ones… I'll tell you in advance... unfortunately, time travel won't work no matter how much you want to and how hard you try... it’s wasted time...

Been there, done that… not worth it.

BUT the positive side of all this is that there’s still enough time to create the best holiday season you ever had since today is just the beginning of December! 😊

It’s not just the end of this sh/tty year, in my case it’s the start of my first ‘normal’ holidays!

Instead of freaking out how much I will be eating, and instead of getting sad because of the fact I haven’t seen my family for !!!YEARS!!!... we will be making a list!

I’m calling it… The positive December list!

The positive December list is a list on which we will be writing down the things that used to scare us the most during the holiday, and we will be turning those negative thoughts into something positive! But we will also write down the things we are the most grateful for and makes us the happiest person we can be! <3

The positive December list!

· My parents

· My family (even tho I wont be able to see them)

· My dog babies

· My friends

· Greek Christmas cookies

· Homemade bread with notes and a coin in it

· A Christmas tree with lights and gifts underneath

· The fasting of meat evening

· (Birthday)Cake

· Tiropita, pizza, wraps, sandwiches…

· Chocolate <3

· Drinks (like champagne)

· Hot chocolate

· My friends

· Oliebollen, apple beignets

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