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30 Days Habit

I've noticed lately that I let myself slip too often.

Now I can throw it on the fact that 'I'm also just human and humans also make mistakes or have bad periods….

But IF I HAVE TO be honest, it's just my willpower that's decreasing and too much self pity.

Now I must honestly say that my body image has grown strongly in a ‘most of the time positive way’, and so has my self-confidence.

I catch myself being TOO confident sometimes…

Not saying I’m not happy with the fact I got my confidence back! Only the degree to which I sometimes have is not always positive...

Okay perhaps not sometimes…*nervous smiley face*

‘But Angela, how do you know you've gone too far?’ You’ll might think.

Going from fat to thin was a confidence boost. Going from TOO thin and no longer having curves to getting beautiful shapes again is even a bigger boost! You have to eat for your gains... and maybe I let myself go a little too much.

I do not say that I am fat, but the extent to which I have gained weight is now a little too fast and too much for me. Cheatdays that I abused too much and ruining some days during the week...

I feel my body could use some healthy foods and a good rhythm again to get back at a better weight, a better skin and an even better feeling.

Since I do NOT want to relapse and knowing I'm a little sensitive to that….

FROM NOW ON… I will no longer have self pity.

FROM NOW ON I will challenge myself to be the best version I can be, starting with 30 days, after which hopefully will turn into a lifestyle!

For 30 days I will challenge myself to fight the bad habits, not just the ones that have something to do with food!

I will write down my list with goals / bad habits I’m going to overcome. Perhaps you can do this too and get some inspiration out of it!

My 30 days challenge

  • No unhealthy food like chocolate or pizza (I’m crying already).

  • Pick up walking again, at least 3 times a week.

  • Do something about school every day, even if it's just for a short time!

  • Read at least 20 pages of a book.

  • Clean my room at least once a week.

  • No self pity.

  • Going to bed on time and creating a sleep rhythm again THAT I USED TO HAVE

  • No eating during midnight.

  • Remind myself at least 3 things I’m lucky for.

  • Work out with positive vibes and not start the work out with a shitty mood.

  • Make more time for my mental health.

For so far my list.

Perhaps it sounds like cake to you, but everyone has their own struggles and bad habits.

The date of the start: 10-01-2022

OFCOURSE I will keep you guys up to date.

Every week I will post a blog in which I will write a short summary on how the week went.

Did I stick to the rules? Did I break one of them? Did I break them all? Or did I do something really good? Am I having a hard time? I will be writing down all my emotions, thoughts, etc etc.

101% realness, nothing less.

Every day I will write a piece about how it is going, how I feel and whether I run into something. At the end of the week I merge this into a sort of weekly log and upload it every week on Monday!

Are you joining? And if so, let me know what your bad habits are you are going to overcome!:)

Remember, you are NOT alone! :) <3

I WISH Y’ALL (and myself) LOTS OF LUCK AND LOTS OF LOVE! <3 <3 <3


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