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Never Do The 'New Year New Me' Promises

After being away for 2 weeks... I'm back! Back with a new blog :)

First of all, I want to apologize for not posting this long!

I've been very busy the past weeks and didn't really have the time because of school, traineeship, sport, work, my birthday, and more...

I guess that everyone can imagine that at the end of busy days you are completely broken and tired... which brings me to the topic of this blog...!

I assume you've already read the title and can imagine where I'm going to talk about :)

New Year's Eve!

It's almost 2022! How fast did the time go, huh?

I blinked a few times in the beginning of January suddenly we are at the end of the year... how bizarre?!

Leaving this unpleasant year past me / us if you agree, and move on to a better year... hopefully...

2022, it will EITHER be a better year OR even heavier one than this one.

Unfortunately I'm afraid it won't get any easier or better, but don't give up, stay motivated, stay strong and keep giving all the power you have!

It has to get worse to get better in the end <3.

Enough negativity, over to positive vibes!

The start of a new year is often also the start of new, good resolutions / intentions.

New resolutions that you promised to yourself throughout 2021 about that you would work on them and you would really stick to them and not give up.

You told yourself you would be working out at least 3 times a week...

You told yourself you would cook more often and less take out meals...

You told yourself you would be less likely to get angry or irritated...

You told yourself you would call your parents more often...

You told yourself you would meet up more often with friends...

You told yourself you would be the most positive version of yourself...

I can name soooo much moreeee failed resolutions, so much more resolutions we couldn't stick to :)....

Believe me. I failed some of mine too! And that's okay, that's totally fine! As long as you keep trying, it's growth .


Why do we make resolutions? Why do we even make promises at all?

We make them as a 'hold on'. They give us a kind of motivation to fight for a good intention and become a better version of ourselves...

You feel stronger when you reach your goals, right? You feel stronger and more determined when you keep your word.

You start creating a certain POSITIVE self-image of yourself because you've got the strength to keep your promisses you made with/to yourself.

As you can see, this can work in a very positive way. It will be able to motivate you even more to show you aren't a weak person.



Imagine that you couldn't keep your word.

Imagine you've failed to stay strong to your resolution(s).

You didn't make it, you didn't reach your goal.

No matter how strong, motivated / dedicated or positive you are...

You CAN'T DENY that failure in life doesn't make you happy, even tho it's part of living.

We are human and some of us are on an emotional level not that capable to handle negative feelings in a good way.

Okay, who am I to tell you what's good what's bad, but since this is MY blog, I write it from my point of view!

A setback can make you stronger, but it can also destroy you.

Been there done that so I write with experience.

Thinking, for example, of my journey... my road to getting healthy, muscular, happy and stronger!

My loyal readers know that I have (had) anorexia. The first time it was not as bad as the last time (very recent!).

After the first victory It went super well, I was super healthy and nobody could take me down.

The second time, it was worse. Very much like in the fact that I didn't expect to come out of that well, and actually didn't expect to be alive right now at all!

In my case, I came out stronger, and that has taken a lot of time.

I'm not saying that everything is perfect right now... and some days can still be improved... but I am a human being and perfection is difficult to achieve if it exists at all! Unfortunately, I could also have been knocked out of the field, and that's what I mean by 'it can make you or it can break you'.

IT CAN MAKE YOU OR IT CAN BREAK YOU and the breaking part is something I would never wish for anyone.

Now you know that good intentions and promises can give you a very positive self-image and motivate you extra, but can also do the opposite ... ask yourself:

'Is it useful to make agreements with yourself of which you are not sure of whether you are going to make it or not?'.

NO. no it's not.

It's good to set goals, it's good to push yourself every day to become a better version of yourself. BUT ONLY if you can really accept the fact that there are less better days with (many) setbacks.

Setbacks are a part of life and we just need to copy with them.

So let's start ONE New Year's Eve resolution.... to NEVER make them again!

Or in any case, not for a certain time! Set goals for yourself without a deadline, but for a lifetime.

My NOT NEW YEAR'S EVE RESOLUTION list, but lifetime goal list of which I will try to keep up with the upcoming year!

  • Try to be as positive everyday, even on the harder days!

  • Try to be as healthy as I can be by cooking deliouse and healthy food!

  • Try to be as sporty as possible

Make your own little list, but stay realistic.

<3 lots of love !!!

thank you for reading! and remember...












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