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  • Foto van schrijverNottalkingangela

Easy Nutella Milka Oreo Cake

13 November, Maaike and I made 'The cake'....

The cake? Yes. I'm calling it 'The cake' because it was delicious!

It's definitely worth the almost diabetes haha!

I combined three things I really love!

Chocolate, cake and Oreo's!

It's anything but healthy :D.

Now your wondering... Angela? How did you make this?!

Let me write it down for you!

It's very easy and a little disclaimer!!!


What I used:

· Spelt flour and Oat flour BUT you can use whatever you want yourself!

· 3 eggs

· Milk

· Brown sugar, but use whatever you want!

· A WHOLE can of Nutella….

· 2 Milka Oreo bars

· Baking powder

· A lot of LOVE!

Maaike and I wanted to add REAL Oreo's too... but we 'accidentally' ate them up during our bake session.... :) Oops:)

First, mix up the dry ingredients >beat the eggs and add them to the dry ingredients> add sugar and milk until satisfied > Chocolate / Nutella spread<3.

Mixed it up?

Put the mixture in a cake shape and place the pieces Milka on top!

Put it in the oven at 185 degrees for (+)30 min <3.






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